The CHIANTI database has the following primary ASCII files for this ion:
contains the energy levels (in cm-1). It includes both experimental and theoretical values of the levels energies.
Theoretical energies: Fernandez-Menchero}, L., Zatsarinny, O. and Bartschat, K., 2017, Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular Physics, 50, 6, 065203 doi = {10.1088/1361-6455/aa5fc4} Observed energies: NIST Atomic Spectra Database, 2014 Note: only the 136 bound levels have been retained. Produced as part of the 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration by Giulio Del Zanna, May 2020 -1
contains wavelengths, gf and A values of the transitions. The wavelengths are based on the experimental energy levels and should be the best available. Wavelengths calculated from the theoretical energies are of an indeterminate accuracy and their values are presented as negative values of the calculated wavelength.
gf-values, A-values and theoretical energies: Fernandez-Menchero}, L., Zatsarinny, O. and Bartschat, K., 2017, Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular Physics, 50, 6, 065203 doi = {10.1088/1361-6455/aa5fc4} Observed energies: NIST Atomic Spectra Database, 2014 Note: only the 136 bound levels have been retained. Produced as part of the 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration by Giulio Del Zanna, May 2020 %File processed with wgfa_tidy by pryoung on 31-May-2023
contains the effective electron collision strengths scaled according to the rules formulated by Burgess and Tully (1992).
Giulio Del Zanna, May 2020 Produced as part of the 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration by Note: only the 136 bound levels have been retained. doi = {10.1088/1361-6455/aa5fc4} Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular Physics, 50, 6, 065203 Fernandez-Menchero}, L., Zatsarinny, O. and Bartschat, K., 2017, oscillator strengths and effective collision strengths:
contains the spline fits to the scaled proton collision strengths.
%filename: n_4.psplups %rates: Ryans R.S.I., Foster-Woods V.J, Copeland F., Keenan F.P., Matthews A., Reid R.H.G., 1998, ADNDT 70, 179-229 %energies: Wiese W.L., Fuhr J.R., Deters T.M., 1996, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Monograph #7 %comment: Fits valid for temperatures 4e4 to 3e6 K. %produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration % % Peter Young 23-Mar-01
Page created by Giulio Del Zanna on Tue Dec 3 13:24:24 2024